About Me!

Hi! I am Arin. In October 2010 my husband and I both made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. Since that day our lives have been anything, BUT boring! I am a dreamer and my hubz is a realist. We balance each other out perfectly. We both have dreams bigger than the American Dream. Faithful in Flats is my space to share our experiences as we navigate this narrow road of following Christ!

I’m a born and raised Texan. I’m the oldest of three kids. I hold the title of being the only girl grandchild and I wear that crown proudly! I married my high school sweetheart after I finished college. I taught middle school computers for three and a half years before I "retired" from teaching to stay at home with my beautiful baby girl!

I've been a stay at home mom now going on four years and in that time we've added four kids to our family. We let go of the Ethiopian adoption process and nurturing the family God's blessed us with! We joined a group of about 15 people in our hometown and by the grace of God, planted a brand new little church- Cornerstone Church!
I joined the blog world to learn from and share with other women going down this narrow road. I love to read about the behind the scenes lives of people I admire through the blog world. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to check out your blog; so glad I did. Can't believe you started your awesome adoption journey about a year ago-right after we moved here. Keep blogging-love it.

    I caught the blogging fever too. I'm really enjoying it. We should get together sometime. I'm pretty sure you could give some tips.
