Saturday, July 16, 2011

Once was dead, but now I live...

I am now alive in a way that I had never felt alive before. Every breath has meaning, and every part of life feels so different. I can’t really explain in words how it feels except that I feel I have been made alive. Sure, I was living before, but now I am alive.

Today while I was stalking browsing the blogs I read I came across a new blog. I clicked on it because the girl's name seemed familiar. I am sure I don't know this girl (which is really weird if I stop long enough to think about that), but her story seemed very familiar to me. Probably because she had a similiar story to mine about how she pretty much grew up believe in the one true God, but just didn't really "get it". As I was reading her story I just kept thinking "I totally understand what she means!".  She posted the quote above and I don't know if she wrote it or where she got it, but that is exactly how I feel.

That is exactly how I want my closest friends and family to feel. That is why I want to people to fall in love with Jesus. He will bring their lives alive.

It reminds me of the song And Now My Lifesong Sings by Casting Crowns.

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