Friday, January 6, 2012

Created for Care!

We just got home from an amazing time at Passion! I will blog about that soon!

I just registered for Created for Care adoption retreat. I actually blogged about this retreat before, but only  because I thought the slideshow was really cute! For some reason I thought the retreat was going to be during the week so I never really considered going. However, at Passion this week I was in a family group with a couple adopting from Ethioia and she asked if I was going.

Long story short I am going!! Me and my friend Beth, who is adopting domestically are taking the trip together!! I am really excited to spend a whole weekend with other women who have hearts for orphans!!


  1. I'm jealous! I want to go but this year it just doesn't work for me. Maybe next year. Be sure to blog about your experience!!

  2. When are you going? I was going to the January retreat but switched to March when we thought we were going to court. Hope to get to see you there!
