Friday, November 18, 2011

Guess what??

Today I am super thankful for our adoption! I am just filled with joy to be apart of something so wonderful. Today we had a family from our church legally grow to a family of 5 because of National Adoption Day. I am so happy for them and loved seeing this process from the very beginning. If you are even interested in adoption, I urge you to start stalking following some of the adoption blogs I have listed on the right of my blog. It will move your heart and push you in the direction you need to go. I believe God totally opened my eyes and heart to adoption through blogs. Silly as that sounds it is true! So start reading and listening to your heart, just see what God sparks in you. Also, please feel free to message me if you ever have any questions!!!

Oh by the way. 147 Million Orphans has created a new partnership program that allows you all to buy shirts directly from their site, and we will get some of the proceeds!! Yahh!! All you have to do is order directly from this link:

Another great thing about this new program is that ALL the merchandise helps our adoption!! So anything you buy will help us out, as long as you start off from the link above!!

Thanks for everyone who has already bought and shirt, and for anyone who might in the future! I get so excited to see people wearing them. I don't care so much about the money (although it is a WONDERFUL perk), I really care about the advocacy you all do when wearing the t-shirts. We are opening the eyes of our community to adoption! Thank you!!!!!

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